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Algorithms & calculation tools
Bin-packing algorithm / 1D cutting optimisation algorithm
A bin-packing (linear cutting optimisation) algorithm.
Tube deflection under load
A tool for calculating the deflection of a tube under load.
Prime factorisation algorithm
A simple two-stage (trial division, database lookup) prime factoriser.
Dashboards: information filtering, prioritisation, & presentation
Live news filtering technology demonstration
News aggregation, prioritisation & filtering service.
Databases, search engines, SQL reporting, & communication tools
Professional Mentoring directory
Employment mentor database & search engine.
Work Choice Profiling
Psychometric testing for career selection.
Documents & templates
A4 printable 2017 British coins (educational)
For primary school (Key Stage 1) mathematics. In ODG or PDF format.
A4 printable clock-faces (educational)
48× clock-faces at 15-minute intervals. Blank 24× or 48× per A4 sheet. In ODG or PDF format.
A4 printable geometric shapes & wave-forms (educational)
For early-years educational intervention in mark-making. In Microsoft Visio® or PDF format.
A4 weekly year planner
In Microsoft Excel® format.
Educational software
Times Tables practice/test
For KS1/KS2 Primary School students to practice mathematics/ times tables.
Mathematical data
Databases of prime numbers
For Microsoft Access®.
Software components
Javascript DOM Repetition Model
Javascript library for HTML DOM Repetition Model.
Language selection algorithm
Personalise the language language options presented to your Web site users.
Microtime (“µTime”) PHP class
Generates, compares and displays Unix time stamps with microsecond component.